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Dos - Manager
Version 1.0
Written by Jürgen Stohr
Testet by Thomas Menzel
31th July 1991
User Manual
This is version 1.0 of Dos-Manager. You can copy, delete, view, show
as pictures, play as samples, execute, rename, ... , files with this
If you have any questions, suggestions, remarks about the Dos-
Manager, find bugs or simply want to send the fee of $20 US or 30 DM,
please contact me, Jürgen Stohr, at:
Stuibenstr. 14
W - 8968 Durach
1. Installation
Dos-Manager needs the arp.library to run. It must
therefore be installed in your LIBS-Directory of your system
disk. The batch file "Install_ARP" can do this for you, simply
depress its icon twice.
Dos-Manager needs also the two programmes "Format" and
"DiskCopy", which should be installed in your System-Directory,
for problem free running.
2. Loading Dos-Manager
Basically Dos-Manager can only be started from the CLI.
If you want to call it from the Workbench you need "Xicon",
which is already installed on this disk.
2.1 Starting from the CLI
When the disk with Dos-Manager on it is inserted in
the disk drive "df1:" the programme can be started as follows:
- cd df1:
execute Dos-Manager/Dos-Manager, or:
- df1:Dos-Manager/Dos-Manager.prg
2.2 Starting from the Workbench
Simply select the icon of Dos-Manager.
As soon as the programme is loaded, you will be asked
to insert your SYS-Disk, because Dos-Manager wants to read the
preferences which are saved in the file "Sys:t/Dos-Manager.prefs".
If this operation fails, e.g. it does not yet exist, Dos-Manager
will give out an error-message, but after that will work normally.
3. Dos-Manager, the programme
After the programme is loaded, a display, which gives you
information about Dos-Manager, will appear. Depress the right
mousebutton and it will disappear.
Now you will see the two windows required to copy files.
The left window is the SOURCE, the right window the DESTINATION.
All commands, e.g. copying, deleting, moving, ... , files
refer to all selected SOURCE files. This selection is carried out
by using the left mousebutton. When a file from the right hand
window is selected for an operation nothing will happen.
Below the two windows you can see four menus: "Dos-
Operator", "IFFOperator", "UserCommands" and "Extras". If you
select one of these symbols you can go to the sub-menu, from
where you can call the commands you want. If you select "Menu"
you will return to the main menu.
3.1 The windows
3.1.1 Loading of directories
- Source: If you select this symbol, a questionaire will appear
that asks you to identify the drive unit (e.g. df0:,
df1:, dh0:). After that the programme section will be
loaded in the left hand window.
- Destination: The same as "Source", but the programme section
will be loaded in the right hand window.
After the files are loaded, they will be sorted automatically.
Directories will be written white, files black.
If you select a directory with your the mousebutton, you will
move from the current directory to that directory.
- Parent: With this you can go to the previous directory.
- Read: Reads SOURCE and DESTINATION once again.
3.1.2 Include and Exclude
- Include: If you select this symbol a questionaire, in which
you can enter four wildcard-patterns will appear. Only
if a file agrees with one of these patterns, will it
be loaded. You can use all wildcard-patterns known by
ARP. These wildcard-patterns are: *, #, ?, (, |, ),
{, }, [, ].
- Exclude: With "Exclude" you can exclude some of the "included"
files. Otherwise the same as "Include" above.
(1) You want to display all files, but not those with the
ending "-.info", "-.obj", "-.ref". Please enter as
Include: "*" <-- imports all files
Exclude: "*.info" -.info
"*.obj" -.obj and
"*.ref" -.ref won´t be displayed.
All other characters must be deleted.
(2) You want to load all files with a suffix (-.-) or
with the syllable "DOS" in them, but furthermore you
won´t display files with the ending "-.info". You must
now enter as follows:
Include: "*.*" Suffix and
"*DOS*" syllable "DOS"
will be imported.
Exclude: "*.info" -.info won´t be displayed.
3.1.3 Selecting of files
Files and directories can be selected with the left mousebutton.
If you depress it a second time, they will then be de-selected.
3.1.4 Moving of files within a window
With "+" and "-" you can scroll the files up or down.
- Swap: Will swap SOURCE and DESTINATION.
- "->": Will copy SOURCE to DESTINATION.
- "<-": Will copy DESTINATION to SOURCE.
3.1.5 Note
When your mouse is above a file, the file-length will be
3.2 The DOS-Operator
3.2.1 Copying and deleting of files
- Copy: All selected files and directories of SOURCE will be
copied to DESTINATION. If a file with the same name
already exists there Dos-Manager will request an
alternative filename.
- Move: The same as "Copy", but the files/directories will be
deleted after being copied.
- Transmit: The same as "Copy", but here you can enter a new
filename before copying.
Example: You want to copy the file "df0:z/Egon" to
"df1:", but there it should have another name.
Now select "Transmit". A questionaire will appear
in which you can anter a new filename. Change
"Egon" in e.g. "Hugo". The file "Egon" will now
be copied to "df1:", but with the name "Hugo".
- Delete: Deletes all selected files (or directories) from
!!! ATTENTION!!!: Delete will completely delete
all files and subdirectories found in any
selected directory.
3.2.2 File operations
- MakeDir: Here you can create a directory in the right hand
- List: Gives you information (e.g. length, number of used blocks)
of all selected files/directories.
- PList: The same as "List", but the information will be given out
on the printer.
- Type: Here you can display all selected files in either ASCII or
- PType: The same as "Type", but the files will be printed.
- Rename: Here you can change the name(s) of all selected file(s)/
3.2.3 Other possible selections
- All: Selects all files/directories of SOURCE.
- Clear: De-selects all filenames and directories.
- Pattern: Here you can enter a wildcard pattern. If a file
agrees with the pattern, it will be selected.
3.3 The IFF-Operator
- ShowPicture: All selected files will be displayed as pictures.
The pictures must be saved in the IFF-ILBM-Format. In
the top left corner of the screen you will find the
symbol to close.
- PlaySample: All selected IFF-8SVX-Files will be played as
samples. To stop simply press the right mousebutton.
3.4 UserCommands
Here you can call some programmes from Dos-Manager. It
is possible to give a selected filename your programme as a
parameter. You can programme twelve commands and save them with
3.4.1 To programme a personal command
First select "Change" to let the Dos-Manager know that
you want to enter a new command, then the command you want to
change (UserCmd1 - UserCmdC). There follows a questionaire which
you enter as follows:
- Gadget-Text: Here you can enter the name of the symbol. This
name will afterwards appear on the screen.
- Dos-Command: Name and path of the programme you want to start.
Please enter always the full pathname.
- Arguments 1 / Arguments 2 : Here you can enter a few arguments
needed by your programme.
- Insert filename ?: Select "Yes" if you want your filename/
directory-name given as a parameter, otherwise "No".
Two parameter-lines are needed, because the filename will be put
between the line of "Arguments 1" and that of "Arguments 2". If
you don´t need a parameter before or after the filename, simply
leave the line empty.
(1) You want to call "MEmacs" from Dos-Manager and want to
give a filename as parameter:
Syntax: MEmacs [filename]
Please enter as follows:
Gadget-Text: e.g. "MEmacs"
Dos-Command: "Extras1.3:Tools/MEmacs"
Arguments 1:
Arguments 2:
Insert filename ? Yes
(2) You want to start MEmacs, but you don´t need a filename.
You could enter as follows:
Gadget-Text: "Edit"
Dos-Commad: "Extras1.3:Tools/MEmacs"
Arguments 1:
Arguments 2:
Insert filename ? No
(3) You want to give out a file in hexadecimal writing to the
CLI-window using the command "type":
Syntax: Type filename [to outfile] [OPT N|H]
Gadget-Text: "Type2"
Dos-Command: "C:Type"
Arguments 1:
Arguments 2: "opt h"
Insert filename ? Yes
3.4.2 Calling a programme
Simply select the symbol of your programme. If that
requires a filename it will be given a selected filename as a
parameter. Your command will be called as often as there are
selected filenames in the SOURCE window. All filenames will
be given, one after the other, your programme as a parameter.
While your programme is executed the Workbench will be
displayed. When finished the Dos-Manager-Screen will
3.5 Extras
- Format: If you click this symbol you can format a disk by
calling the programme "Sys:System/Format". If you
choose "Format" a questionaire will appear in which
you can enter the disk drive and the disk name.
- DiskCopy: Here the programme "Sys:System/Diskcopy" will be
called. If you choose "DiskCopy" a questionaire will
appear in which you can enter the source and the
destination drive.
- Palette: Here you can change the colours of the screen.
- SavePrefs: Here you can save the attitudes of "UserCommands",
those of "Include" and "Exclude" and the colours of the
screen. Thereby the file "Sys:t/Dos-Manager.prefs" will
be created.
- Relabel: Here you can change the name of a disk.
- About: Name and address of the author.
- Quit: Exists from this programme.
4. Hints
- If you change the files, that are loaded at the moment by
Dos-Manager, with another programme, you should "Read" them
- Please note that the attitudes of "Include" and "Exclude" are
also saved. If some files aren´t displayed, please check the
- To load all filenames a "*" must exist by "Include".
- If you want to call some CLI-Commands (e.g. Dir,Type,Run,...)
you should use those of ARP.
- Please note that there are some errors in Workbench version 1.2.
(Format crashes sometimes). If you get problems try using
version 1.3.
I hope you will enjoy Dos-Manager!
Jürgen Stohr